Day one of my many future infusions for my CIDP diagnosis. Today will be about 3 hours. Prayers appreciated. “Jesus led me all the way” was the song in my heart in the night. 🎶
Kevin Engle
Saturday, March 16, 2024
PayPal Fundraiser active for those who have inquired
We just set up the fundraiser on PayPal, and prayer is the main thing. This was done as a number asked if we were going to have one available. Here it is.
Thursday, March 14, 2024
MRI and Port Placement
MRI’s went well Monday. We have to wait for the neurologist to review. The one of the brain 🧠(see below) was a concern to me when I read this text in the report (but then my medical training is minimal).
Yesterday was port placement, and all went smoothly. I remember seeing the big lights in the operating room and I remember thinking how wonderfully cold it was in there (I prefer cold), and then NOTHING.
Tomorrow is my first of 5 “loading infusions” and then after those over a period of a week and a half, are infusions every 2 weeks. We have learned it can take 3-6 months to find out if it is effective. Apparently this treatment is effective in 75% of patients in slowing down, or reversing some of the effects of this life-long disease. Some of the effects of this illness I have been experiencing since I was honorably discharged from the Navy in 1979, and the symptoms are progressing rapidly now and can lead to total paralysis primarily of upper and lower limbs but can impact other functions such as swallowing and many others. We will be following a traditional/alternative protocol and will be doing other things traditional medicine may or may not approve of.
In view of the extent of the expenditures we have had over the past 5 years with Cheryl’s stage 3 cancer diagnosis (about $25,000 still owed) and now my CIDP diagnosis on February 21, some friends have asked us to set up a GoFundMe (or another platform if any recommend others), so we can continue alternative protocols as well. Stay tuned if that is something that interests you. Prayer is the main thing we wish for not funds, but we do want that avenue open to those who desire it.
Saturday, March 09, 2024
Latest on Kevin
Update on my CIDP (you can look it up and I will post a couple links) diagnosis: Monday I have 4 MRI’s (lumbar, cervical, thoracic and brain). Wednesday I get some anesthesia and port placement into an artery. Friday I begin with loading doses of IVIG. (5 total I think), then again the following Monday, then Wednesday. I recently lost 20 pounds (thank you to my dear wife) so that will help me in the days to follow, hoping to lose more. I looked at walkers and Medicare will provide one with tennis balls and no brakes. Thankful our church has loaned me the one I pictured earlier. I am no longer able to work, so appreciative also of those who have expressed concern on the financial side after five years of our fight with Cheryl’s stage 3 cancer diagnosis, much of which was alternative and not covered by insurance.
A New Diagnosis CIDP by Cheryl
Kevin was diagnosed last week (2/21/24) with CIDP, chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy. It’s an autoimmune disease, and the body gets progressively weaker. It is a lifelong disease. Kevin has been using a cane for over a year and he now has a walker. His feet suddenly went numb, and that can happen in any part of his body. He is on pain medication and there will be more tests and regular infusions given of various chemo/medications. We know the Lord loves us and He is with us. We are praying for a reversal of symptoms. We would so appreciate prayer. Thank you.
Saturday, March 27, 2021
Bio Sketch
- Loan Officer (HECM/H4P) Trebor Reverse Mortgage, LLC broker - current
- Loan Officer (HECM/H4P) Paramount Residential Mortgage Group, Orange, CA.
- Reverse Mortgage Professional - broker at C2 Financial, San Diego, CA originating in AZ, CO, FL, TX.
- Reverse Mortgage Professional - broker at Loanatik, L.L.C. Phoenix, AZ originating in CA, CO, AZ, TX and FL.
- Reverse Mortgage Professional - Finance of America Reverse, LLC, Tulsa, OK March 2021- April 2022
- Reverse Mortgage Professional - American Advisors Group, Plano TX branch, May 2019- March 2021
- Reverse Mortgage Planner - Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation, McKinney TX branch, Oct 2018 to April 2019
- Loan Officer Guild Mortgage Company - Frisco, TX branch - Nov 2017 to July 2018
- Loan Officer American Financial Network (AFN) Dallas, TX August 2017 to October 2017
- Alpha Loan Group moved from SNMC to AFN 8/31/17
- Loan Officer SecurityNational Mortgage Company (SNMC) - Farmers Branch, TX May 2017-August 2017
- Loan Officer Academy Mortgage Corporation - Frisco TX branch - Dec-2016 - May-2017
- Executive Director of $25M Chicago founded in 1945, then Addison, TX, now in Dallas: Stewards Foundation 16 years (1994-2010) Interviewed by 'Christianity Today' on several occasions in that role. Organized and coordinated all 'Members Meetings'. Doubled loan portfolio in last few years. Investments substantially outperformed market in the downturn of Fall 2008.
- Honored by the Texas House of Representatives on my 10th Anniversary with a Resolution.
- Owned and managed a Signs and Graphics franchise "Signs By Tomorrow" on Midway Road in Addison TX
(former President of Flower Mound Chapter)
Sponsor (2012-2014)
- Supervisor - United Parcel Service - Mesquite, TX Hub 4 years. Responsible for Load, Unload, Clerks, Airdock, Sort Aisle.
- Navy Veteran- Petty Officer Third Class- Data Processing- 2 Ships- USS White Plains (AFS-4) Yokosuka, Japan - USS Sperry (AS-12) Point Loma, San Diego, CA
- Psychology BA - University of Texas - Richardson, TX
- A Chicago Cubs fan since birth, and my Dad was one since the 1930's
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Veterans Day 2020
An honor to be asked by American Advisors Group to talk briefly about my Navy service in an AAG video with fellow Vet and Paid spokesman Tom Selleck.
Friday, October 23, 2020
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Congratulations to Angela Harbeson Aug 24, 2017
Friday, August 07, 2015
Monday, November 10, 2014
November 9, 2014
First IVIG infusion
Day one of my many future infusions for my CIDP diagnosis. Today will be about 3 hours. Prayers appreciated. “Jesus led me all the way” was...

Kevin was diagnosed last week (2/21/24) with CIDP, chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy. It’s an autoimmune disease, and the bo...